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Fish out of water

A man inserts a fish hook into the tip of his penis while it is soft, he then proceeds to wiggle it around to attract his companion. After inserting his penis into their mouth, he becomes erect. He pulls out as hard and fast as he can hoping to hook through his partners lip. If the man successfully hooks, he yells "Fish on!"

Boy: "I just got a new set of hooks, I can't wait to try Fish out of water tonight"
Boy 2: "I hope you can catch some"

by NaFlirp September 22, 2021

Fish Out Of Water

1. Being in unfamiliar territory.
2. Vagina spasms which resemble a fish gasping for air. This can be acomplished in many ways but the face down on the floor with an ironically wet orgasm most resembles a fish out of water.

also note:
There are plenty of fish in the sea... meaning theres a lot of hoes out there or there tasty fish to nourish your soul.

Contary to other definitions slapping a beauty with the beast in the face is actually called a classic bitch slap not a fish out of water.

Last night, Becky was so hot and bent that she had a fish out of water for my dent dick.

Cory Edwards dick is so fucking hott! I had a fish out of water when I saw that juicy head... I was like fill up my belly button like a sweedish gas station.

by openInvent March 13, 2017

Fish Out Of Water

1. Being in unfamiliar territory.
2. Vagina spasms which resemble a fish gasping for air. This can be acomplished in many ways but the face down on the floor with an ironically wet orgasm most resembles a fish out of water.

also note:
There are plenty of fish in the sea... meaning theres a lot of hoes out there or there tasty fish to nourish your soul.

Contary to other definitions slapping a beauty with the beast in the face is actually called a classic bitch slap not a fish out of water.

Last night, Becky was so hot and bent that she had a fish out of water for my dent dick.

Cory Edwards dick is so fucking hott! I had a fish out of water when I saw that juicy head... I was like fill up my belly button like a sweedish gas station.

by openInvent March 13, 2017

Rotten Water

A severe version of stagnant water.

"Gamers who play a single game for so long people who play World Of Warcraft are stagnant water."

It's like AsmonBald has played for so long he knows everything and can predict everything in WoW.
AsmonBald is rotten water.

by Rotten Water March 23, 2023

Dukes spilled water

Duke Depp spilled his water on his live,now all of the sudden everyone loves that there is a video going around with him spilling the water!

Did you see the video of Duke spilling his water?
Yes it was so funny! Someone in the fandom has a username with dukes spilled water init!

by dukes_spilledwater May 22, 2021

Taco Bell water board

Where you eat a ton of Taco Bell the day before, then procede to take a huge watery shit on someone’s face

Not the Taco Bell water board anything but that

by Gbad/loving it December 21, 2020

At least we don't hafta shovel liquid water

A wry remark intended to make light of da fact dat a period of da winter has been very rainy.

Jokingly telling fellow adults dat, "At least we don't hafta shovel liquid water" may indeed make them feel better about a drearily-wet portion of da end/beginning-of-year season, but small children may not be over impressed or cheered by said statement, since they would much prefer to have snow dat dey could go out and play in.

by QuacksO November 22, 2021