Native to Hanover College, Roll 'Thers is a play on the Alabama "Roll Pride"
Meaning Go Panthers
At the game, the crowed chanted Roll`Thers.
A poor, uneducated degenerate that thinks he can operate equipment. Is known to hit parked cars and lie about it. Also smells terrible and looks like hammered asshole. Can also be named Nikudango.
Chris is such a roll daddy.
When you take a bunch of extacy and people eat sushi off of you naked.
John went sushi rolling last night and got arrested. He shouldn't expect the restaurant to be ok with it without asking first.
Refers to an inadequately-perforated and/or too-lightweight spool of paper towels or toilet-tissue. When you try to merely tear off a few sheets by giving the end of the roll a moderate yank, the paper does not separate the way you expected, and so the roll just wastefully whizzes off yards and yards all over the place, obliging you to fumingly remove the messily-bunched-up wad from the holder and tediously re-roll the paper inch-by-inch back onto the core again.
I do indeed prefer to purchase the "bargain basement" tissue-paper rolls from the supermarket or department store --- especially if they have a sale on the huge 20-roll "bales" --- but I find that a lot of times they are "runaway rolls"... the company goofed when they punched the rolls' perforations, and so that's largely why they're being sold off so cheaply.
The term used to define getting fat during quarantine (covid)
Yo that guy got some Rona Rolls
To stick your dick in the exhaust pipe of a Peterbilt while dressed like Optimus prime when your about to finish you yell autobots roll out.
I saw my buddy playing with his new transformers he did a Doyle roll out when he saw me.
Taking 2 rolling papers and putting them together short ways to make it thicker
Aye bro you tryna Roll A Blunt after school?
Rolling a dick: Taking 2 rolling papers and putting them together short ways to make it thicker