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1-10 female attractiveness

A scale that doesn't exist when your drunk

On a scale of 1-10 female attractiveness didn't really matter last night, I was so drunk it didn't matter.

by Master of vocabularies September 1, 2016

1-10 female attractiveness

A assistant scale that men use to rate a female. Typically used to rate body type then used to rate the facial features.

Dave: on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale what was your blind date?
Corey: body was at least a 9 and face was a 4 ,man. I couldn't get over her unibrow and huge nose.

by -major disappointment September 14, 2016

1-10 female attractiveness

Scale used to tell how good a girls looks. Can be used for rating sex

Damn you see that hella fine girl over there I'd say she a straight eight on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale

by da black boy white out September 13, 2016

Bore 1

The vagina, oftentimes seen as the most desirable Bore on a woman. The vagina is the most pleasing hole, making it top ranked, as Bore 1.

Dude, I i got her pregnant because I came in her Bore 1..

by KRAKEN!! March 21, 2010

Alicia ari stand Nr.1

Alicia is soooo sweet and cute

and alicia ari stand Nr.1 has a insane good taste in music

by fynnxari October 16, 2020

Formula 1

Only escape from this cruel world
The reason I am single

(You are verry lucky when you are in a relationship where you both watch formula 1)

“Hi what are you doing today?”
“I’m gonna watch formula 1
“Let me guess your single?”

by Smooth operatorrrrr November 10, 2019

1 desh

1 desh = 2.3 km/1.42915miles (About the lenght of an airport runway)

It's a unit of measurement just like km, miles, yard, ...

Me: "What do you mean with '1 desh'??
You: "I mean 1.42915 miles! It's the new unit! Didn't you know that?"
Me: "Actually not."

by Chrononimo July 23, 2018