1) The need to stop what you doing immediately and chill out.
2) the act of playing lost or completely unaware
Him: my wife out of town for the weekend and my ex just text me
You: uh oh Andy’s coming
An exclamation used when you make a horrible irreversible mistake; opposite of Aw Fuck
Man #1: Hey guys I got coffee-*trips and drops coffee* oh fuck
Fellow employees: you dumbass
A phrase used by online whores to make their sex more "sexy".
man: *doing the do*
washed up thot: "OH FUCK!" *makes exaggerated moans*
An exclamation u say when u get the best blowjob and orgasm. Another definition is if u angry or worried at some shit going on
Tyzo: Baby....oh fuck I think I’m about to cum
Leía: *swallows cum*
Ex #2
Anglo: r u serious Im gonna be late again (leaves house) OH FUCK I forgot my keys
Oh nO! oUr TaBLe! It'S bRoKeN!
it memers
The memes are good and old still funny do u want penis pills yea its do be kool oh no our table its broken not that much
Undoubtably the biggest ghetto and dump in Ohio. I have lived many places in my career, but I have never lived in a more crappy area than Dayton, Ohio. I moved here for a job at the AFB, and due to a lack of rentals I had to live on the Northwest side of the city. Terrible decision. SWAT Teams, meth, sex trafficking, pot-hole covered roads, old and abandoned neighborhoods are what define Dayton. Do not move here if you have a family.
Just wait until you get to Dayton, OH. It may look OK at first, but all the creepy-crawlies will come out, once the sun goes down.