A robot stolen from a company and modified to piss beer in a cup.
Jane - I'm gonna put my cup on the ground to get beer
Piss bot- PIIISH
When you pee out of your asshole. What did you expect?
I accidentally poo pissed at my cousins house.
A rope is like a wick in a candle, if it’s wet it’s not going to go anywhere but down. Hence its useless to try that strategy.
Asking that person to help is like pissing up a wet rope.
The master of piss and pissing
j: who are you?
d: I am the piss master
The liquidy waste released from ones bowels when they're suffering from dirrea and theres nothing left in the tank
"Im gonna beat the tar piss out of you."
"My stomach was a mess all night, nothing but tar piss"
Disappointment or anger at a situation.
Mark: did you hear the game's cancelled tomorrow?
Dave: piss poop! I was really excited for that!
Australian slang for a (mechanical) lubricant, usually WD40.
Person 1: Man, my doorhandle keeps squeaking. Obnoxiously. I need to do something about it.
Person 2: Spray some parrot's piss on it.
Person 1: Why didn't I think of that?