Source Code

eye cum shot

When someone's eye turns red from getting hit there with cum. It turns red because of the warm salt.

Jacob: "Your eye's red. Did you get eye cum shot?"
Liz: "Yeah, by Bob."

by John Plato June 12, 2008

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Red Eye Gravy

A colloquial expression for an onset case of explosive diarrhea.

Don't in that bathroom brooooh. That stool has red eye gravy all over. Someone spattered it up good.

by Eaton Holgoode February 28, 2017

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jap's eye jockey

An offensive name used to describe a male with homosexual tendencies in the United kingdom. Alternatives include arse bandit and jobbie jabber. Also see jap's eye

That guy over there is a Jap's eye Jockey.

by Recci91 May 23, 2011

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evil one eye

After you donkeypunch someone they will more than likely look back at your sternly, however you will only see one of their eyes, but you can still tell they are looking stern. This in essence is the evil one eye.

"I donkeypunch'ed your mom last night and she gave me the evil one eye."

by rick james' ghost September 8, 2004

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The state of constantly feeling like you're about to throw up, commonly related to drinking, too much fun having, and being over-served at a local tavern

Courtney and Joe drank cherry bombs, jager bombs, and whiffle ball bats full of domestic beer while playing Louisville Chugger all day Saturday, causing them to be throw-up-ey all day Sunday Funday.

by Bazooka Joe #1 June 23, 2009

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Captain Birds Eye

To finger a girl who was a vile odours seeping from her grizzly love cave. one preformed this act you become captain birds eye from the infamous fish finger band.

you may start as seaman birds eye but eventually rise to the rank of admiral birds eye once fingered enough rough girls.

John - i fingered Jane last night

Adam - wow man you've earn you rank of Captain Birds eye

by B.DOT-ONDAGE September 30, 2010

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Dry Eye Suprise

After having a bad one night stand with a partner, the man will wait until the partner asleep he will then proceed to ejaculate on the eye or eyes of said partner. If done correctly this should crust over during the night and the partner should not be able to open the eye or eyes.

Yea I woke up with the worst dry eye suprise this morning!

by dgaskgfksdgf January 17, 2008

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