The best friend you can ever have.She is loving, caring,pretty,and amazingly smart. She will always be there for people she loves.
J’ Da is the smartest person I know.
Getting fucked so good it’s like getting the Heimlich.
He was J Thrusting me so hard I could breathe properly again.
The full name of lafayette
That French general dude from Hamilton
Person 1: yo, who’s that French dude from Hamilton with the really long name?
Person 2: oh! You mean Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette? I love that guy!
Aka M. j. P. Y. R. G. D. M., M. D. Laf
Indicating a person with an extremely tiny penis which constantly claims that he has a huge penis instead.
'Yo girl you know I got a huge thing under my pants so would you like to hop in and sort out some shit?'
'Nah, I bet you're an absolute Lee Big J'
Anytime a blow job is given and there is blood involved.
My girlfriends wicked sharp braces cut me up when giving me a blee J.
An expression used to describe a man who hates LGBT+ people but is secretly the most gay man you will ever meet.
“I’m fine with gays as long as they aren’t near me.”
“Dude, you sucked my dick last night, your being a real Kayden J. Parry.”
The act of doing of which Brock gets demon head
Richard j olsen
gave Brock the demon head