Source Code

you are bee a and d i see tee oh and a are why

When you're extremely bored and start typing "u r b a n d i c t o n a r y" but different.

"you are bee a and d i see tee oh and a are why" is just:
you = u

are = r

bee = b

a = a
and = n
d = d
i = i
see = c
tee = t
oh = o
and = n
a = a
are = r
why = y

by Maexchenoo9 May 8, 2021


Abbreviation for "Overheard," used to preface a quotation or piece of dialogue on social media and online forums. It signifies that the speaker has eavesdropped on or incidentally heard the quoted conversation or remark, rather than being a part of it themselves. This prefix is commonly used to share amusing, insightful, or peculiar statements picked up from others, emphasizing the speaker's role as an observer rather than the original source of the comment.

OH: 'If it wasn't for coffee, I'd have no discernible personality at all.'

by senfy February 12, 2024

Oh fuck

An exclamation used when you make a horrible irreversible mistake; opposite of Aw Fuck

Man #1: Hey guys I got coffee-*trips and drops coffee* oh fuck

Fellow employees: you dumbass

by Big_T_lmao December 29, 2021


A phrase used by online whores to make their sex more "sexy".

man: *doing the do*

washed up thot: "OH FUCK!" *makes exaggerated moans*

by Consiosus March 30, 2020

Oh fuck

An exclamation u say when u get the best blowjob and orgasm. Another definition is if u angry or worried at some shit going on

Tyzo: Baby....oh fuck I think I’m about to cum
Leía: *swallows cum*

Ex #2

Anglo: r u serious Im gonna be late again (leaves house) OH FUCK I forgot my keys

by ThisIsO.T May 10, 2018

Oh nO! oUr TAbLe! It'S bRoKeN!

IDk just a word

Oh nO! oUr TaBLe! It'S bRoKeN!

by oh no our table its broken October 21, 2021


it memers

The memes are good and old still funny do u want penis pills yea its do be kool oh no our table its broken not that much

by mice is nice April 4, 2022