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Piss and rally

When your starting to fuck but realize you gotta piss and your losing your erection but then you piss and and get back in there like a champion!

We we're passionate and started to fuck but it wasn't any good till I ran off to piss and rally !

by Me myself and Irene January 23, 2022

piss in your pool

when you cum in a girl that’s super wet so she does not feel it, you know you came but she doesn’t just like when you piss in a pool

I pissed in Becky’s Pool last night

Piss in your pool

by RyanGa March 13, 2018

pissed the moint

What you succeeded in doing when you failed to understand local natives' warnings during a visit to Cols and went noisily/splashingly wading in a creek that is inhabited by fearsome-toothed red-colored anglerfish-like predators.

If you don't want your gravestone to read, "Missed the point --- pissed the moint", you should closely listen and comprehend what your intergalactic tour-guide tells you about the dangerous plants and animals on a particular planet or asteroid that you're planning on visiting.

by QuacksO October 23, 2019

the laser piss beam of death

A term that can be related with Alfred Coleman/paperboxhouse’s role as dr robotnik in snapcube’s sonic adventure 2 fan dub during eggman’s twitter announcement. This term can be used to flex the shit on someone you are about to verbally in real life or physically in a video game destroy.

Face the laser piss beam of death you moron

by JackerEgg July 5, 2024

taking a piss

two people simultaneously hit a gb

hey dude, me and cali are taking a piss later tonight, wanna hang?”

by merebou June 15, 2020

Piss and chips

Piss and chips is a phrase used as a stand-in to more common phrases such as, “Hello,” and “Uhhhhh.”

Teacher: What does X mean in this equation
Jaden: Piss and chips
Teacher: wtf

by Wyattwalnut December 2, 2020

Supreme Pissed

More pissed than ever recorded on the Richter Scale.

My dad took a dump on my windshield, I'm Supreme Pissed.

by SupremeSammy August 15, 2017