A simp is someone who shows women amazing affection and puts her before everyone and gives her utter attention being a simp is proven to heal the soul and make mental health better it is also proven to make the woman fall madly in love with you
Simp is someone who likes a girl/boy and over obsesses the person.
Someone: I love ____, she/he is soo cute, and strong, *bla bla bla"
Friend: simp
By: Kima June 25, 2022
a simp is a man like robogamer2465, a man that has never seen the outside nor inside of a shower. a man that reeks of carrots and cat shit. (whose mon is hot a hell)
quit being like robo you specky lil simp!
A Simp is a man by the name of Nathan Brady, who is submissive to females
Anthony Nagrani
Bro did you see Tony’s new post the other day?
Yeah He’s such a Simp