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National Slap Your Sister Day

On the 10th of August, after National Slap Your Brother Day, is National Slap Your sister day. It is a day where you, as it says in the title, a day to slap your female siblings.

Me:"It's National Slap Your Sister Day"
My sister: Shit...

by EpicCommie August 9, 2021

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Slap your sibling across their face day!

On the 1st November, you can slap as little or as many of your siblings across their face

β€œHey! It’s national slap your sibling across their face day!”

by Reetusthedinostomper October 26, 2019

392πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

slap your girl dick in the butter dish

To unapologetically come out as trans in a setting where you were "passing."

Victoria: I want to come out to my boyfriend's family while we're there for Thanksgiving, but I'm not sure the best way to do it.
Jessica: Hon, you just gotta stand up at dinner and slap your girl dick in the butter dish.

by jordensjunger April 14, 2016

42πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Allahu Akbarian feet clapping foot slap

Arabian Muslim version of footstep.

Guy1: Where the hell are my panties?!
Guy2: Probably the Arab Muslim neighbor next door stole them, I heard some Allahu Akbarian feet clapping foot slaps midnight but I thought it was just you stroking your cock with a banana peel as usual.

by clearance888 July 8, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Slap my ass and call me Sally

Used to express dismay or disbelief.

Well you know what? Slap my ass and call me Sally man, I don't know what you want from me.

by Misses Potato Head August 5, 2010

198πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

National Slap Your Cousins Face Day

National Slap Your Cousins Face Day is about you slapping your cousins face THIS IS NOT A JOKE if you hate them it’s on the 17th August

Hey Anna, since your my cousin and it National Slap Your Cousins Face Day I can slap you.

by Eliooo August 12, 2021

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National Slap Your SHORT Friend Day

National slap your short friend day is the day right after national slap your tall friend day, so NSYSF day is on February 12th! Y'all created slap your tall friend day so i create this because I'm the tallest out of my friends and they keep trying to slap me, so I thought this would even us out.

Vincy: Ow! How dare u!
Lina: It was national slap your tall friend day!
*Ze next day*
Vincy: *Le slap
Lina: WTF
Vincy: well, yesterday was national slap your tall friend day, so today is national slap your SHORT friend day
Lina: I hate the internet

by Emmuchino December 8, 2019

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