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Mad house

Bensaude in France

Dam bensaude is a appsolute mad house

by Mad house October 25, 2019

House hop


Lennis house hops like a loser

by Jjsjdyudhwj September 16, 2021

same party, different house

the idea that sex is just sex, despite who it is with.

party being sex, house being the person you've had/are planning to have sex with

“yeah she’s alright, her mates ugly but i’ll have her. same party, different house innit

by kennydicktionary June 24, 2024

my house my rules

Every narcissistic parent's favorite argument, only rivaled by "if you don't like it, move out". Expect to be told that even if you help pay bills/rent/mortgage/utilities.

Kid: "Hey, could you please turn the music down? It's 3am, and I have college classes in the morning"
Parent: "My house my rules! You sleep on your own time!"

by That thing in your eye March 31, 2023

U.S. house judiciary committee

Oh wow yeah... I don't see how that's EXACTLY THE SAME... As MY thing! How it's not, I'll never know... Yet HERE I SIT! I don't see how my thing isn't worse but OK!

Hym "Yeah, I don't see how you're U.S. house judiciary committee thing isn't just exactly the same as my thing... I don't see how I'm not integral to the plot! I mean, this is literally the retard mediated version of that! Instead of big tech companies and the government it's just the mentally handicapped. This is dogshit. I should be on Oprha or something! But NoOoOoOoOo! How's it not the same except worse? Why am I not on Oprah!? Is it because I called her a fat bitch and told her to stop eating bread!? IT HAS NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE OPRAH!"

by Hym Iam March 12, 2024

car cum house

Dirty hovel with wheels; nary cleaned and commonly used for copulation.

Baby, I really want to take you home, but right now I'm staying in my buddies car cum house.

by darkfeone March 11, 2016

Chausbasa House

A combination of the Latin words Chaus (chaos) & Carbasa (canvas). Used to describe disorganised houses often seen in Indie games (e.g. 'Hello Neighbour' & 'What Remains of Edith Finch').

I slowly approached the Chausbasa House that looked like a Primary School art project.

by Harry & Halima May 22, 2024