The most degrading, shameful, demeaning insult a 5 year old could call you on a school playground
"A child called me a Stinky Poo Butt, and I've been crying for weeks"
The specific pair of pants you only wear on days that you have diarrhea
Those brown sweat pants are my Poo Pants.
An act only babies can not perform. It is the first step into becoming an independent person in today's society.
person 1: hey dude, do you poo pant?
person 2: what?
person 1: bro you're probably like 3 *poo pant*
Beautiful silky hair straight from a Pantene shampoo commercial, so long that it flows down to her anus and grants its admirer the ability to insert his silky and throbbing appendage in to her tight back passage.
Wow look at the long hair on that bird. I’d give her the Pantene poo canoe!
Normally called a logger,reeks and is one of the #worst ones
Although MY mum is 5% worse
“Dad-I need the toilet
Mum-we’re getting a divorce
Me-at least it means I don’t have to smell THAT whopper of a dAd pOo
'to poo out' - to back out of a situation, to let someone down
'are you still coming out on Friday Eleanor?'
'sorry I can't I'm skint'
'noooo don't poo out'
When someone doesn't "use the brush after they flush" on a regular basis in the workplace.
Damn girl - the Poo-fender has been at it again! That biatch doesn't use the brush after she flushes yo!