also known as "North Korean Law" a rule that is not very lenient and restricts people from doing many things
California has a lot of North Korean rules
When a movie has sequels it is almost always a fact that the first one is good and the rest are absolute shite. Called "The Matrix Rule" because it was one of the first examples of this.
"The second matrix is the best"
*is promptly executed*
"The Matrix Rule"
You must treat the person who you are talking to with kindness and love (not romantically though)
Jacob was being mean to the person he was talking to yesterday, that breaks rule #5!
The Unspoken Rules Of Society are a bunch of rules only elite members of Society know. Some of the rules are: Never drink water out of a mug, rule number 11, never drink hot cocoa out of a regular cup, rule number 10, and rule number 12, never have a brighter ceiling light and a lamp on at the same time.
" Hey! That LOSER is drinking water out of a mug! He's breaking rule number 11 of The Unspoken Rules Of Society!"
If it exits there's a blog of it.
"I'l make Rule 2000 of My Little Pony !"
Date someone 2 years older, 2 years younger but when you are 30 or so it doesn't matter what the age gap is
Boys and Girls should follow the 2-2-30 rule
Any opinion that comes from the mind of a league player is to be immediately discarded
Dani : League is better than any game u play!!!!
Dea: According to the dea rule its not