Wow! That’s a really cool website with lots of words! With definitions by you and me.
Hmm.. I wonder if Bachook is on urban dictionary?
The site that you are on right now. Duh. If you are actually looking for definitions on here I wouldn’t recommend it.
person 1: people love messing around on urban dictionary!
person 2: omg literally! everyone is crazy on here.
A dictionary website where it is very hard to find correct answers to definitions. You will commonly find incorrect answers.
Bill: Hey what is Urban Dictionary?
Bob: A Dictionary website online.
Bill: Oh, ok.
A very big example of nothing litterly nothing so don’t ask questions here it may be blue but ain’t got a shoe what a rhyme ain’t it like blue in a shoe as it is nothing it’s just your imagination litterly so cool you don’t feel it ain’t even see it so please no trains no gains am i right so be pleased and get lots of feast's mrbeast aint gonna feast with feastables am i right yeah I’m so right you don’t even know how right I am you can not even use it in a sentence!!!
Urban dictionary:Error000 this word is nothing so you can’t use it in a sentence people
Oh man, i don't know what this word means, let me search it on urban dictionary
A site where people go to laugh at what people write the definitions of words, instead of being used like an actual dictionary.
Mom: Son why did you search yesterday Urban Dictionary 30 times?
Son: ...