When you feel so sorry for someone that it makes you feel sick.
Friend 1: My older sister told me that when she was in primary school, she lined up all lunch time by herself to buy a lamington from the bake sale. All the big kids pushed in front of her while she waited patiently with her 20c to buy her lamington. By the time she got to the front of the line all the lamingtons were sold out and lunch was over.
Friend 2: that’s such a lamington moment!
to "father" a child/children that you are not biologically related to because the woman does not know the birth father or want to be "involved" with the father....and she looks towards another man to claim as the next best thing
friend: hey man you know them kids ain't yours so why do you stay??
You: because I love her
friend: who do you think gone raise all those fucking kids bro?
You: Well dawg...I guess me??
friend: you dumbass mothafucka lol this is a "I Guess me Moment bro"
When your friend is so lacking in mental capacity that they make a terrible mistake and you already expected it.
whe n yo u ty pe th ings li ke y ou h ave a spe e ch impe di men t
blingo: hey genna hows it going?
genna: goo d h ow ar e y ou to da y??
blingo: man that was a real genna moment
genna: WTFF??????
- an n-word moment but 200 times worse. Instead of being Homogenous it's a bit a Women Theory. It's like having two women beat the living shit out of each other while Snorting Coffee like it's Crack! They usually fight over the stupidest situation..... It could be stuff like: Over a Hot guy, Over the last Husbando Figure in Anime-Cons stuff like that. Unlike the N-word moment this could happen to any 2 women and it's harder to stop once it's started! It is so bad that an average Emo bitch fucks a Dude outside her Race and eats Chocolate chip cookie cake and drinks Redbull for the Aftermath while in the hospital. The other woman well, She goes to Jail and her pussy is Fistbait!
When 2 women come up the street and you guys are like "OMFG, There's a cat fight!" Then this my Friends is
a Rina moment. Being Self-destructive without their Boyfriends or Girlfriends if they were lesbian noticing
Girl #1: Hey, Watch it you dumb Rina Emo!
Girl #2: Bitch, WTF did you just say?
Girl #1: Mother fucker, We're gonna tear some shit up!
Girl #2: Okay your on for it, Bitch! My Name is Rebecca you dumbass!
*Both Women Pull their hairs and starts fighting and ends up using their Purses to bash each other!
Some Security guy: Freeze You Women are under Arrest!
*ignore the Police Citation and the Officer shoots them with a Taser gun*
Rina Moments are Unforseeable, If women had their own category of what Turns a Guy off, They would probably eat Their own Pubic Hair Because It's so bad it's listed as number 3.
1) Child Support
2) Over a Hot Guy
3) Rina Moments
4) Make-up Fights
5)Stripper Club Tips
It's a True Fact and I cannot Lie!
When your next guess in wordle has the same incorrectly placed letter in the same position
Make sure you don't have an Imaan moment in the next guess.
*plead* (e in word wrong position)
*trees* (Imaan moment)
when they tell you not to commit war crimes but you still do
just got back from attacking the civilian population, epic gaming moment right there