Gag city is where the most yassified cunts can live people sometimes think that men can enter but they can’t for example “90sterry” not the sneaks HELP gg and yasified pop queens can visit or live not some twink?.
“Omg have u heard of aespa and skz arriving at gag city?”
The Evanescence of melodic death metal. Fuckin' amazing.
Light This City members
The sole consistent members of LTC are lead vocalist Laura Nichols and drummer Ben Murray. The band also includes...
- Guitarist Steve Hoffman
- Second guitarist Ryan Hansen (they didn't mention who does lead and who does rhythm, ffs)
- Bassist Jon Frost
The best Mario Kart track of all time.
It saved my marriage
That girl's so hot! I bet her favourite Mario Kart track is Neo Bowser City...
refers to atlanta.
not to be confused with ‘cop city’ which also refers to atlanta. chop city is to pay homage to the Atlanta Braves and the tomahawk chop that the fans do.
chop city won against seattle 3-0
The slums of Rapid City SD where the blacks and natives and others join gangs to slice people up and shoot each other. and sometimes, on occasion, they teach their dogs to kill-on-command (res dog)
Person 1: Wanna go to Rapid City and see the black hills?
Person 2: Hell no nigga we not going to Trapid City my grandma went there and got mauled by puppies!
city dykes are dykes that pull bad bittys & finesse boys girls city dykes will changes your life in a good way
Hey have see those city dykes ?
Yeah they pull bad bitches !
City dykes get all the bad bittys they will change your life in a good way get yourself a city dyke
Hey have you seen the city dykes ?
Yeah bro they look fly