When something (including but not limited to media, like a video game, or a movie) suddenly drops in quality out of nowhere, with the term usually used to joke that the creator(s) ran out of budget to maintain the quality of said thing.
Person A: "Hey, where the hell did the voice acting go? None of the dialogue has any voice acting anymore!"
Person B: "They must've ate the sausage roll."
When a black man is getting jerked off and he is about to ejaculate.
Stacy had herself a real dark chocolate tootsie roll.
When your so happy you sausage roll stands up.
Your happy sausage roll is standing up.
heads will roll is a way to threaten someone
A: If you touch my girlfriend again, heads will roll. Got it?
B: Alright man, I'll lay off.
When you get rickrolled, then the person sends 'Chug Jug With You' right after.
Girl: Damn it he fort-rolled me again
Let’s just say…. They are SLIGHTLY AROUSING try it out! RRRRRRR
“Oooh 😏”
“You want more of those slightly arousing rolling R noises baby ?”
“Ofc mommy”
Definition: B-Roll aka Bitches Roll is used to identify an individual that is inappropriate or a group that acts inappropriately.
Connor came home from the concert feeling let down by his friends, I asked him what's wrong and he replied, "B-Roll".