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___ moment

A way of saying;
- You are a;
- They do this all the time;
- My reaction to this is.

" ___ moment"

"I just spilled coffee all over me!"
"Dumbass moment"

"The Dog is the act of performing oral sex with a girl while inside of an airplane bathroom."
"Urban Dictionary moment"

*dies in a video game*
"Bruh moment"

by ApplinPie November 16, 2021

Fussell moment

sudden inability to perform a simple task

did you see him drop that ball? yeah real Fussell moment

by Fussell June 9, 2021

Cat moment

When a cat does literally anything

Cat: *loafs*
Person: haha, what a cat moment

by Beedle_Juize November 4, 2022

#Martin moment

Nagu poggers, aga palju parem

1: Ma just leidsin diasid
2: #Martin moment

by Su ema vaat kes October 7, 2020

Aaron Retard Moment

When you try to explain a left 4 dead 2 Strat to skip a horde but you can't get your point across.

Did you try the new left 4 dead Strat yet? No its like the Aaron Retard Moment!

by FarletFOX November 12, 2023

Safyan Moment

When someone posts something relating to all women being the same or not trusting women as all they do is break hearts and cheat or manipulate.

Safyan - “D.T.B man”
Nicolas - “Safyan moment

by infamously69 February 7, 2021

Total Salad Moment

The act of losing or misplacing an object, ranging from car keys, to a wallet or purse to a salad

where are my car keys?!
-you've had a total salad moment there boy

by robertw101 July 27, 2010