“Today is may 27th, did you make sure to kiss lexi today?”
may 27th wear sunglasses to school day
hey its may 27th sunglasses day!
Hang out with your bestie all day
On may 27th you hang out with your bestie
May 27th is national rearranging day. On this day you are to rearrange something, so you can rearrange your room, your house, your garage, or if you get down like that then you can rearrange your girl😏
Him: Babe it’s May 27th
Her: so what’s today
Him: Come to to the bedroom and I’ll show you 😏
National Roadhead day! Any guy can aend this to any girl he is talking to and she has to give him road head, or a blowjob in a vehicle period!
Hey girl it’s may 27th meaning it’s road head day!
April Fools Day In May is May 12
I pranked my mom on May Fools Day
Politely asking one to engage in sexual intercourse. Usually followed back with, thou may which indicates acceptance towards the sexual offering. People of royalty utilized this phrase to ask for sexual intercourse in the 16th century.
Bob: "Hey Queen Elizabeth, May fuck?"
Queen Elizabeth: "thou may, Bob"