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Poo ass

When somebody calls u at a dinner 20 or more times and at late night when ur tryna talk to hoes

A poo ass Ring..Ring..Ring (picks up phone) Guy 1: hey bro I’ll call u back I’m at a dinner rn guy 2: k. 3 mins later guy 2: you done guy 1: stop u cuck

by Def king December 9, 2020

Poo Ass

lord and savior

"aye yo my nigga, poo ass?"

by pooassfan29 April 9, 2018


An adjective describing one who poos efficiently. ie one-wiper

"Wow, he was only in there for a minute. He's very poo-ficient!"

by Mr. Poo-ficient April 6, 2014

Tonsil Poo

The little white lumps you have on your tonsils when you have tonsillitis, that have a foul smelling odour.

Sam: 'Lois, i think I've got Tonsillitis again'
Lois: 'Oh god, have you got those Tonsil Poo's on your Tonsils again?'
Sam: 'Yerp, they're there'.

by Doctorate of the words March 7, 2011

burnt poo in a pull up

Crispy burnt.

Burnt poo in a pull up tastes disgusting.

by Debskelly1985 May 20, 2023

poo & chew

The act of using chewing tobacco to loosen the bowels, and go poo.

Man that fart smells, might be time for a poo & chew

by Tr1xbOof March 3, 2016

poo stream

1. The name used to describe the pipes and canal works in a sewerage farm.
2. another term used to describe diarrhea

1. once the poop goes through filter one it travels down the poo stream to filter two.
2. i waas on teh toilet for an hour, it was a mighty poo stream gushing down there

by shaneaisbett July 1, 2004