Dead Baby Booster is when a pregnant woman gets the Covid vaccine and the baby comes out dead or deformed.
I feel so sorry for that girl, she gave birth to a Dead Baby Booster in the ally behind the dumpster and I helped her get get up.
When somebody is being a fake ass bitch
“This buhl dead down, he fake as shit”
When a bull being fake as shit
“This young ho dead down, she fake as shit”
i see you've jumped off a building. i guess now you are dead.
i diagnose you with dead (present tense for diagnose with dead)
when something annoying happens or someone annoys you, you say “your nans dead” or “that’s dead nan”
teacher: “you boys will be staying back at lunch”
boys: “your nans fucken dead” / “that’s so dead nan”
matt: *spills raspberry cruiser on dylan’s white shirt*
dylan: “your nans dead”
a wholesome and wonderful person who created the past
"hey dead smile hows the story coming along?"
A burger that is dead and it is also known as "Luca"
I am going to play bridge on hive with Dead burger