You know what it means, you racist! Get the fuck outta here!
Don't say the N-word! It's racist!
When you fail in English and you pay your teacher to pass you
Auto correct
The long way of saying the n-word
Me: *trying to get my friend in trouble during class* Did I hear The Primary Word Of An Xbox Player!?
Friend: No
why are you here i just said this is not a word
hello turbarentarden this is not a word
this? it's not a word.
' "wiffble?" this is not a word.'
Words and labels used as false/unproven allegations to vilify a person or groups of people.
The user of these words thinks that his/herself is awesome but, in reality, these words are convenient accusations used by the ego, to attack the other person/persons for their unworthiness, to bolster it's own awesomeness. This practice is an attempt by the user, to compensate for his/her true lack of integrity, intelligence, compassion, humility and lack of awareness - usually, unbeknownst to the user.
Example of words that can be used as "boogie man words": cooties, witch, boogie man, fascist, racist, homophobe (and at one time, homo), xenophobe, transphobe, conservatives, Trump supporters, anti-vaxxer, climate-denier, conspiracy theorist, tin-foil hatter, flat-earther, etc...
Pundit: "the democrats use boogie man words to silence the opposition"