Sucking Amazing is what you say in public when its inappropriate to say Fucking Amazing.
Radio Host: I understand that you have backing from 217of your colleagues in the House of Representatives to impeach Trump.
Radio Guest: Yes, it's sucking amazing.
To smoke a cigarette. Modern play on the phrase "Smoke a Fag". The term "Suck" refering to the inhalation of cigarette smoke.
Break time lads. Time to go suck a fag.
Having oral sex while your partner is throbbing.
The two were so horny they started throbbing n' sucking, taking turns.
throb n' suck
Failing miserably when it matters most, particularly in American football. In baseball, it's more commonly known as Kershawing.
Holy cow, the Cowboys' suck dak every time they make the playoffs.
A phrase that originated in the north east of England to describe an action or atmosphere that is not being enjoyed.
"This party sucks dick for M&Ms"
Someone who sucks and bad at everything he does
guy 1: Guys, I need help in game
guy 2: Sure, I can help you
literally everyone else: No! 'Guy 2' Lonely sucks, don't help him, let him solve it alone.
Guh guh ughg ughgu hgughgu hguh ughguguhughughguhguhguhgughughughughguh guhughughguhguhgu ahhh
kermit: unhg
Kermit:pls more
Random_frog: Wtf stop Sucking Cock