When you spend an excessive amount of time trapped in the bathroom via a form of punishment growing up and are now suffering odd Psychological symptoms because of it.
He doesn't like any sauce that is white because it reminds him of porcelain. This is a common symptom of the B-Room Blues.
He doesn't have a favorite dinosaur because he was locked in the bathroom while his family was watching "Walking with Dinosaurs"; Classic B-Room Blues.
A b-ball bunny is a girl who only goes out with guys who play basketball
“See that girl in the stands, she’s been through the whole team, a total b-ball bunny”
The Classiest person you will ever meet. HBIC. They are wonderful & Alluring. Also tweets the most real things ever!
Zero B Maraj is the best.
Zero B Maraj is the most funniest person I’ve ever met
T B shuffle.
While taking a shit in a public restroom. Climb under to the next stall and lick the balls of the guy next to you while trying to grab one of his turds.
Last night while taking a shit a fag next to me tried to do a Terry B shuffle
sam: hey how is going josh
josh: B E A N
sam: umm..ok.....
Ex. Bitch keep playing with me and you go fuck around and GYAB.
G. Y. A. B is a word used for fighting
A rowdy group of rugby players that play immediately after a varsity squad and consistently crack heads and stay dangerous
A: Fuck, our A-Siders lost a close one.
B: Hey, we can still drink though, the B-Side Bombers kicked ass!