When you shirk your responsiblities because you're too budy playing video games
'I'm gonna be twenty minutes late,' Rebecca said.
Harry sighed. 'Why?'
'Video games.'
Harry rolled his eyes and scowled, 'Rebecca moment!'
When a person with middle/end-stage Alzheimer's has a brief moment where they snap out of their memory loss. It only lasts a few seconds at most, and is very bittersweet for everyone involved.
Pamela and her friend, Maureen went to the nursing home to visit Pamela's 83-year-old mother, Edna, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease four years prior.
When the two gals got to Pamela's mother, they found her in a wheelchair staring aimlessly at the wall. But when Maureen tried to introduce herself, Pamela's mother had an Alzheimer's Clarity Moment.
"Hello, Maureen" she said, in a soft, barely-audible voice.
Ecstatic, Pamela quickly asked her, "Mom, do you recognize me?"
"Yes," Pamela's mom said after a brief pause. "Yes, I do recognize you...Pam...ela..." And then she reverted to staring at the wall, her sudden moment of clarity forever lost.
Pamela began sobbing, while Maureen did her best to console her friend. That was the last time they saw her mother before she succumbed to the disease.
Named after a very popular drug addict , it is used whenever someone publicly shares funny drug/alcohol related topics unashamed and proud.
Posted on newsfeed:
"I need someone to help me do all the drugs I have"
Comments below: Evgo moment
The state in which ones asshole is so raw from the quality/quantity of their bowel movements.
Dude, those shits after the taco bell had blood on the toilet paper. It was a real Abby moment.
when tahmid says something and kills the vibe automatically by just being tahmid
Tahmid: "shoutout my label that's me"
*Tahmid Moment*
doing all the practice midterms and being confident going into the exam only to have your hopes and dreams crushed by gamma distribution and empirical standard deviation
Student 1: bruh that exam was a 361 moment
Student 2: same bro i got a 69% on that midterm
When someone who looks like they play Illaoi goes 4/13 and wins the game.
How did you win that game? you went 0/8.
Yeah but I'm playing Illaoi, it's a Liviü moment