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Douche Cat

The term "douchecat" generally refers to a Female with a certain combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behavior, or outward presentation or body showoff with feminist symptoms.

Though the common douchecat thinks she is accepted by the people around her, most of her peers dislike her. She has an inflated sense of self-worth, compounded by a lack of social grace and self-awareness. She behaves inappropriately in public, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic & ugly she appears to others.

She often talks about how beautiful, cool, successful, and popular she is, yet never catches on to the fact that she comes across as a total loser & most ugly creature who hates men for no reason. Nevertheless, She firmly believes that she is the smartest, macho-feminist, bold, charismatic, attractive and most charming person in the room... and will try to bad-rep anyone who would threaten to expose this facade. But in reality no Man wants to even see or touch her or waster their time by even looking or talking about her.

She fancies herself a Women's Man, To everyone else, she is an annoying & arrogant who comes across as a wannabe overcompensating for her insecurities. She tries to appear like the center of whatever group will tolerate her, but in reality, She is just a tag-along who mooches drinks, men, contacts, social standing, and other benefits from the group... while contributing nothing.

Douche Cat or Douchecat

1) During the party, Hillary went into my room and took my iPod. She is a douchecat
2) Maneka is Douchecat as she keeps boasting about her Feminism & Feminist Ideas in conjunction with her Misandric mindset.

3) Who invited this douchecats... and why is She drinking from my bottle & still cursing & hating Men?

by visit2neo August 27, 2018

Douche salâde

A douchebag so douché, his fabric is comprised of the douchiest qualities amassed from the douchiest of douchebags. These ingredients together combine to form the ultimate douche: the douche salâde, a douche so douchey that a circumflex was required to capture the full extent of his doucheté.

NB: Not to be confused with douche salad.

Example 1
A: Hey, take a look at that ass wipe over there.
B: I know, right? What a douche salâde!

Example 2
A: Why aren't you pussies drinking yet? It's like 3 PM!
B: Brad, stop being such a douche salâde...

by Caesar Salâde December 9, 2015

Protien douche

Taking his load of babies straight to the cervix and then leaking it all out while getting your daily dose of protien

I got my protien douche this morning. Shawn really knows how to shove it in...

by Frickenfina August 15, 2022

douche tannel

one who is currently acting douchy, but isn't really a fulltime douchebag. his douchiness is transient.

1)Danny: Zach, stop fucking talking to me.
Nick: Danny, cut it out you douche tannel.

by jimmy durante January 30, 2009

milk douche

When you’re drinking milk, you laugh and then it comes out your nose.

Last night Ried milk douched 2 times.

by Stinky1995 October 24, 2017

douche pm

The time of night that it becomes douchey to continue wearing sunglasses.

Dude, you're still wearing sunglasses and it's after douche pm.
So? The ladies love it...

by joehavelda October 29, 2010

internet douche

When a normally cool, or at least tolerable person becomes a total douchebag over texts or on the Internet, and denies it.

"Jesus, did you see the group chat last night?"
"Yeah, Brittany was being a total Internet douche, that must of been pretty shitty for you."

by ThisIsAnAlias November 26, 2014