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Burn ur house down

Just said by cave johnson
Don't mind everything defined
He said let lyf take da lemons bacc
And he is famous for selling faulty products

I'm gonna burn ur house down
-cave johnson

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 5, 2019

Randi Houses

It is impossible to concode a goal on rocket league when someone has said Randi Houses (Round the Houses). This is when the defensive mastermind plays it from one back corner to the other over the goal.

Chris at front Post under ball: "Randi Houses"

Others: "oooooooooooiiiiiiiiii)

by jmaphillips January 13, 2023

Babe come to the house

Used by Nigerian guys whenever they are horny and want to have sex

Babe come to the house e.g babe abeg come house na,I miss you
Lori iro,na fuck e wan fuck you

by March 5, 2021

Devan House

Slang term for Autistic

Also a slang term for "your boyfriend"

Autistic Devan House is your boyfriend actually that's crazy my nigga😱

by Nathan Jewish November 27, 2023

cleaned house

do housework.

"they cleaned house, washed clothes, and cared for the children"

by Arminkshipper July 16, 2024

Cooperative House

A system of housing at Purdue University similar to greek life that provides students with reasonably priced housing and a social life.

I didn’t want to be a basic girl in a sorority so I joined a cooperative house.

by 😮‍💨😮‍💨 January 6, 2022

Norway House

Some random city in Manitoba, Canada that nobody cares about. I'm sure not even some of the 6,000 residents care about it either, and have plans to move out.
It's also frigid, with winters frequently dropping below -40°.

"Hey, where you from?"
"Uhh... Norway House."
"Norway? Which city?"
"No, there is a city in Canada called Norway House. That's where I'm from."
"Oh. You're weird bro."

by L_bozo_mafia_member September 18, 2023