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coochie nigger faggot

A common slang used to offend people.

"Ok well, you're a coochie nigger faggot"

by Some Bean Bitch March 14, 2019

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nigger boner

One whom gets angered over pre pubescent children over Eksbawks Live and resorts to fracturing beloved vidya gaems.

"That there Billy sure is a nigger boner when it comes to competitive gaming, sheesh..."

"That there Billy sure is a nigger boner when it comes to competitive gaming, sheesh..."

by BonerButt July 27, 2015

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Flying panda nigger

Big ass black pandas with wings

Holy crap, that flying panda nigger just ate my dog

by LupineA April 12, 2011

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nigger the shit out of

1) to take advantage of, especially to over-consume one's share of something that is available to only a small group of people

2) to rightfully obtain that which does not belong to you

3) to destroy in a drunken stupor or rage; to fuck shit up

4) to get work done in an efficient and timely manner

5) taking one's penis and consensually plummeting it into the female genitalia violently

1) Don't nigger the shit out of all the free pizza you bastardfuck.

2) Let's nigger the shit out of their grill, but Jordan has to push it down the road so we're not on the camera niggering it out of their lot.

3) I proceded to nigger the shit out of Mickey's yard and mailbox last night. Chip and Jeff are next.

4) Hurry up Ed! Let's nigger the shit out of house cleaning just in time for the 'hos to come over tonight.

5) I proceded to nigger the shit out of Abby in the back of her daddy's new car, and she liked it!

by MickeyDale July 23, 2009

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black nigger for sauce

a sauce for mcdonalds shit sticks

can i have some shit sticks and some black nigger for sauce

by black sauce niglet March 19, 2019

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Norwegian Nigger Rocket

When you cum in a girls ass and she farts it out and a little bit of shit comes out mixed in with the cum

Katherine accidentaly did a Norwegian Nigger Rocket when she had too much tacobell before doing anal

by Sevree Doodles June 23, 2018

faggot nigger bitch

a black guy who likes to fuck dudes and is a pick me ass motherfucker

i always hated that faggot nigger bitch

by faggotniggerbitchhater August 1, 2022

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