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stick my dick in a midget

A term of disbelief

After seeing Heather take a cucumber, Geof exclaimed, "Well stick my dick in a midget! I didn't know you could do that!"

by Mr Crowley October 21, 2021

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Puerto Rican pogo stick

It is the sexual act of a man laying flat on his back while a chick lathers his dick in refried beans and hot sauce to use as lubricant for her ass while she bounces up and down on it using two other gentlemans dicks as handlebars to maintain consistent and steady bouncing rythm.

Hey guys Tiffany-Lynn is down for a Puerto Rican pogo stick I need two volunteers to be the handlebars, I'll take anyone it doesn't matter!

by Reedski April 9, 2015

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Hot Tuttle Chili-Stick

The Hot Tuttle Chili-Stick originated in Brooklyn New York during the late 1970's. The HTCS happens when one male, usually a former body builder, deficates on any frozen meat product, and using only the feces as a means of lubricant, inserts it into the rectum of another man as a means of sexual gratification. Usually the recipient of the Hot Tuttle Chili-Stick wears a blue Red Sox cap..

Richie: Did I mention I used to be a body builder in New York?
Mike: Really? Me too! But now I just have this blue Red Sox hat.
Richie: Perfect! I have been wanting to give the Hot Tuttle Chili-Stick again! Let me go grab something out of the freezer.

by Bearded Lady November 24, 2008

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fuck my dick with a stick

an Australian slang word used to describe a moment of great disappointment.

can be used in place of FML.

*open lunch box, and find muesli bar* "Fuck my dick with a stick!"

*you piss two ways and both miss the toilet* " Fuck my dick with a stick!"

gf:"can i fuck your dick with a stick?"
you:"Fuck my dick with a stick"

by thatguyathjs November 7, 2011

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naughty neighbour twatting stick

a pole shaped stick, usually from a household item such as a broom or a mop, broken away to form a defensive device known as a "naughty neighbour twatting stick"
The item must be clearly labelled as such, as is used to wave away (or twat) nasty and naughty neighbours in council flats.

mooji - can you hear them trying to kick my door in?
dirtyfur - quick get the naughty neighbour twatting stick

by mooji September 16, 2007

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keep your stick on the ice

coming from the hockey term meaning don't high stick it which is a sign of anger.

keep it cool, peace out, see ya, etc.

person 1: see ya later man
person 2: iight man keep your stick on the ice

by negrotitus April 12, 2009

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mother fuck stick

It's a person who isn't worthy to have sex with a mother, but is low as to have sex with a male possing to be a female (tranny) who is a mother type of figure in there life.

Drew Cary is a mother fuck stick who has mommy issues .

Well mother fuck stick!

by Kcmeadows November 28, 2017

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