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Higher than Miley Cyrus

Meaning extremely high, being baked or stoned. It refers to the leaked clip of Miley Cyrus laughing hysterically while on Salvia.

Eric: "Dude what's with Kyle? He's totally hysterical!"
Steve: "I know dude! He's Higher than Miley Cyrus!"

by NikolaiC December 17, 2010

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1. Great. The power of great-ness. 2. Havin a song covered by Miley Cyrus.

"Livin' on a Prayer" was Miley-fied during the MTV Music Video Awards.

by Derek Danger April 13, 2009

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Miley Katy Conspiracy Theory

The devil has left Miley Cyrus and entered Katy Perry. Miley's new album is completely different than what work she was doing in the past few years, and she looks different. More laid back and herself. Now Katy has done just what Miley was doing.

Miley Katy Conspiracy Theory

by urbanrae June 16, 2017

Miley Cyrus ass kickers

A movement and a club of people who hate Miley Cyrus so much that they want to kick her ass and make a video of it and put it on youtube ect.
They meet regulary to plot ways to kick her ass.

This meeting of Miley Cyrus ass kickers will now come to order.

by Judge dredd7 September 7, 2011

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Miley Cyrus TEen Choice Awards Performance of Party in the USA

A nasty # Minute Video of Screechy Sounds, Pole Dancing and Crying 2 Year olds.

OMFG My Son Just Saw the Miley Cyrus TEen Choice Awards Performance of Party in the USA. Then the next day I caught him wearing a bra over a vest and in my thong.

by Miley Cyrus REal Miley March 16, 2010

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Miley Maniac

A nickname given to Miley Cyrus because she's so full of herself that she's lost touch with reality.

That's Miley Maniac.

by Judge dredd7 November 29, 2011


a weird loosey goosey who is mentally unstable.๐Ÿค

"bro why are you such a miley?"

by mileyhater0101 December 10, 2023