If you were born on December 14th, you are most likely, creative and ambitious. You may like art or performing. Some people born on this day are self centred and have big egos.
He’s, so talented! Probably born on December 14th if you ask me.
The day the band and chorus peoples are gathered and play and eat all night long in clothes and Drink ale!!
Band: Hey it's December 14th!!
Band: We must play together and feast and drink ale!!
Chorus: Oh yeah!! It is December 14th I'm so excited!
Band and Chorus: Let's do it!
Kiss your girl day <3
Don’t. Be a pussyy just. Do it x
Hey go kiss her
No why
It’s December 14 and she’s your girl
Hug everyone you see on December 14!!!
Man..I hugged a lot of people today! I mean its December 14 so I don't see the problem!
GOLF/14 is ofter associated with the artist Tyler, The Creator and his brand's GOLF WANG or GOLF le FLEUR*.
It doesn't stand for anything specific nor a single thing, It's simply a term used by Tyler himself and his fans to identify each other and is often used on social media like Twitter or Instagram
Person 1: Yo GOLF/14
Person 2: You like Tyler?
Person 1: Hell yeah
The most ruthless North Korean hard labor prison encampment in Pyongyang, that inprisons the guilty individual along with three generations of their family as well for life.
Craig: I'm not really into this. It kinda sucks here in Pyongyang, Camp 14. Its hot and feel like they're working us too hard. Even Grandma is complaining.
Johnnysan: Helllll ya! This place is fo SUCKAS!!!
Craig: but the dirt pudding here is way better than Camp 13.
Johnnysan: Damn right!
Craig: You already know.
The day when you tell your crush you like them by sending them this. 🤠😎
January 14: Hey so I’ve been needing to tell you something (sends urban dictionary photo)