a fucking momo with no tits who got fucked
momo fucker is ur mom, suck her tits.
One who sticks a watermelon in the microwave to warm it up the take it out then drill a hole in it then fucks it
Will was a watermelon fucker
A scenario fucker is a person who chooses his/her sexual partners by whether the situation ads some spice to the sex.
1. Scenario: The boy is from African descent and the girls parents (or even the girl) is racist towards his kind, so the guy will gladly put off his time to bang this girl in her parents bedroom, because the scenario just ads way more excitement to the sex then having sex with some other random girl which he doesn't know much about.
They usually have their favorite scenarios but are constantly after new challenges with new plots. The situation will always be the undertone to the orgasm.
2. Scenario: A guy gets women through tinder to come over for a meal, without them knowing he puts laxatives in their food so that they will shit in his bathroom, while they shit he will walk in naked and do a Louis C.K. (jerking off in front of someone)
Joe: Did you hear what Mike did yesterday?
Steven: What did he do now?
Joe: He banged another one of his ex's girlfriends in the McDonald's bathroom
Steven: Why in the McDonald's bathroom?
Joe: He said that's where he met his ex for the first time, I guess he gets off by the thought of banging her friends there.
Steven: God, he's such a scenario fucker. At least he stopped having elevator sex by ringing the alarm and trying to finish off before the elevator technician can get the doors open again...
Joe: Oh no, he still does that.
One who has a dick like an acorn that drives the squirrels NUTS
My friend Bill is a dirty squirrel fucker.
A name describing a total douche bag, ass hole, dick face, or any other unpleasant description of a man.
An explicative word when one hurts them self.
" So last night I waited 45 minutes for Doug to show up. He never called or texted to say he wasn't coming, what a Fucker McFuckerton!!"
As I am pounding a nail into the wall, I accidentally hit my thumb with the hammer... "FUCKER McFUCKERTON!!"
The definition of a jew fucker is someone who fucks jews
Lets go see timmy. I heard he is a jew fucker
A chick who writes to guys in prison is one definition, a chick who dates guys that are primarily felons or have been in prison, a chick who likes to count the number of felons they have had sex with and look at it like a trophy. Also a chick that only dates guys that are
Bridget sure is a felon fucker she's found herself another a****** who's just been released from prison to go out with