A disease commonly contracted to those who have sex with Andrew.
Side effect include: psychotic behavior, prolonged attachment and booty growth.
May also contract CCD (Cock craving disorder)
Damn girl, do you have andrewitis? Because you're fucking crazy
The Andrew’s is a drink consisting of Hendricks on the rocks, a splash of tonic & club soda, and lime garnish.
Can I please get The Andrew’s to drink?
The Andrew’s is a drink you can order at a bar.
Andrewism is the way someone by the name of Andrew usually acts towards people, or situations in general. Andrews are usually seen in a positive light, but Andrewism is more negative. It is usually used by Andrews who are in a bad mood which for some that's everyday, because for Andrews life is usually not that bad but turns out life still blows. So Andrewism is just what you call when they say unnecessarily mean things to literally anyone. Usually in a way that is meant to be funny to anyone who isn't being said shit about them. Andrewism also radiates the highest level of Sodium known to man, and has a toxicity level higher than Hydrogen cyanide, Nitrous oxide, Phosgene, Potassium cyanide combined due to many Andrew's several hours is researching and hyper analyzing X-Box live game chats for several hours they have the potential of creating levels of Sodium that are deadlier to intake than eating an entire salt farm. Andrewism can also be taken in how some Andrews say "facts" that have no structure or proof, but how they say it makes you think "Huh maybe he's saying the truth" when in reality he is improvising on the spot on what he's saying, but that comes from all Andrews on a Monday through Wednesday basis.
"Why is Andrew being so rude today?"
"He's just doing a bit of Andrewism right now, don't worry he'll be fine tomorrow."
The creepiest mother fucker you will ever meet, shits in sinks, copies everything anyone does, and cries all the time; especially when you call him "Sewer Rat".
What is that awful smell coming from the bathroom?
Oh, that's just Andrew's shit in the sink!
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Awesome AZN with muscular body and sexy poses!
Dang I wish I could life weights and eat rice like Andrew.
79👍 138👎
A stupid person who goes by the name drew,very dirty minded,will go up to you and sexually harass you he loves many guys and gives 5 year olds blowjobs he shows off a lot and gets in trouble by the teacher a lot he kills people and loves watching boku no pico he also gives the elderly handjobs,blowjobs and sometimes even go on top of them and bounces on thier small meat and sometimes big meat
Elderly: ohhh here comes Andrew guys get the room ready!
4👍 3👎
Funny, mentality retarted person who only cares about him self.
Andrew is a fucking bitch
4👍 3👎