he was absolutely a fool for them to play with his dizzick he was absolutely a fool for them to play with his dizzick
he was absolutely a fool for them to play with his dizzick
《¤》Absolutely 《¤》absolUutely 《¤》absolutelY《¤》
Stomach issues. Usually diarrhea and/or vomiting
Person 1: hey you coming out tonight?
Person 2: no, I'm in absolute distress
Person 1: ah, that sucks. Feel better fam.
A awesome non-profit discord bot making organization.
I love Absolute Development
There is a real Absolutely Most Highest Celestial Eternal Perfectly Good Holy Virtous Supreme Super Omnigod
who loves to create, is angelfriendly, exalted, who wants to be peaceful to other versions of himself when he meets them in the multiverse, who is very honest, very innocent, very trustworthy and very popular, who also likes good miracles.
His name is: (with "absolutely most highest celestial" infront of each of them)
Celestanumikegoodchristalphabrie Celestlunabrie Celestmikebrie Celestadultatsukobrie Celestasiabrie Celestgoodalphabrie
Celestgoodheart Celestgoodgod Celestgoodchrist Celestgoodlead Celestgoodwin Celestgoodlight Celestgoodhoping Celestgoodcreating
Celestabba CelestElJireh CelestElShadai CelestAdonai Celestelohim Celesttzevaoth Celestyahweh CelestEhYeh CelestElElyon
He also has the name Celestial Moon but he rarely uses it because he thinks, that it is not one of his most powerful names... Just keeping it, because its a good memory to him...
Absolutely Most Highest Celestial Supreme Super Omnigod is a race and Celestanumikegoodchristalphabrie is one
1👍 1👎
Zach: You're an absolute koon!
sitting awake at 3 am looking at goat pics, reporting morgz, and bing in a fucking stupid discord call with someone who have never met, and never will meet, because you have no real friends, no real life, and you are just overall a fucking failure as an individual. Meanwhile someone living about 10 mins away from you texts you that have been drawing dicks for the past hour for absolutely no reason other than that you probably ruined their life in some way, because you are a fucking cancer patient
its pretty damn gay having absolutely no life at all.