Source Code


(n). 1. Cartoons developed in Japan, and brutally mutilated by Canadian and American distributors into bad, bad dubs (see DiC).

2. The reason why girls, generally around the ages of 11-19, will overuse the words "kawaii," "baka," and "kakkoi," at completely irrelevent times in American conversation.

3. A form of art that is hated by critics for being too commericial; which, in fact, was the whole point of developing anime(to sell it, and stuff).

4. Chock full of fanservice that you can't get out of politically correct American 'toons made after 1950.

5. (adj.) Referring to an action that would likely be seen in a Japanese cartoon.

1. Shame on DiC for badly dubbing that anime, Sailor Moon. Shame, shame, shame.

2. Kelly had recently purchased a tape of anime, and has now mutated into a cosplaying freak.

3. The kids at school hated Johnny because he drew anime.

4. That anime was nothing but boobs and tenticles. I'm creeped.

5. The way she fell, it was, like, SO anime! Lol.

by Elle Channe July 8, 2004

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Japanese animation

Did you see Akira ? That's one minted Anime.

by Anonymous April 12, 2003

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No, not Japanese animation porn. That would be hentai. Anime is short for Japanese animation, but isn't porn. Anime began at the start of the 20th century, 1917. The first talkie anime is Chikara to Onna no Yo no Naka. The first anime film was Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors, in 1944. It represents most, if not all, of fiction in Japan. They come with voice actors for the non-Japanese versions, and seiyuu with Japanese. The abbreviation emerged in 1970. Usually, the anime comes after the manga.

Anime isn't porn, at all. How can you explain the adventure/action stories of Naruto, Bleach, and Dragon Ball Z? How can you explain anime and pop references in the anime/manga Lucky Star? There's so much anime that isn't hentai, at all.

by MisaTange July 8, 2009

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when something like a letter, image, paragraph or article has been altered with anime references

Cameron: What happened to the letter Becky sent you?
Owen: Oh yeah, that confession note the bitch slipped in my locker? I totally animeized it, and sent it to my buddies.

by the eren hater April 8, 2021

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Chinese cartoons that only weeaboos watch.

Fucking hell, Johnny is watching anime again! Get off it ya goddamn nigger!

by xxx_hentailicious_xxx October 4, 2017

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My god. My love. My life.

My only reason to live is anime

by bluuskkye77 September 23, 2018

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A word that I fucking hate fuck anime it is shit if you watch it you’ll a fucking fag I hope you die choke jump off a bridge it’s this bitch called kyaire he watches this shit fuck it

Anime is fucking ass

by Lonnell c January 13, 2021

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