When you brew some coffee. Then take a large dump in whitey tighties and then pour the coffee over the whitey tighties with the shit still in it, and use it a strainer. The result is a half and half brew of stanky shit brew, and coffee. This is a stanky brew. This is well known for being consumed within the lower 22 states of the U.S. Typically the stanky brew adds more of a jolt to the persons energy level.
Yo, I had some stanky brew this morning that my buddy made and it was amazing. I feel like a million stanky brews!!
Having beers be with you at all time, alcohol.
Hey johnny, may the brew be with you and don't let the alcohol be out of your sight.
A dangerous and disgusting alcoholic beverage concocted by some tradoc shitbirds in the US Army, it is made by repeatedly straining skillcraft hand sanitizer through a filter made of ionized salt and standard issue long underwear. Possibly flavored with “beverage base orange - type 3.” May cause liver failure and/or stomach ulcers.
“wassup battle we gonna get hella crunk off dat barracks brew tonight, cuh. Don’t be lettin the drill sarnt catch us lackin”
A delicious knock off cola from 1965-1966 and Mary's (from Kids on Bikes) favorite cola.
"Mary loved drinking a cold Scottie's Brew while working at her dad's bike shop.
Methamphetamine. This term references how Indiana is known for corn and meth production and it is our "special brew".
Hey, did you hear about that lab bust the other day?
No, were they making Indiana Brew?
Yeah man, that's like the third this week!
Mad dog B-ballers who drink to much
Oh great the brew crue is here