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a cody is a skinny woman trapped in a little boys body. cody often thinks taht he is extremely skilled at talking to girls but the ones that he can communicate with are the ones that already have boyfriends. one of the main characteristics of a cody are is very small penis and testicles. the girls he talks to finds this cute and cuddly because they dont have to deal with all that extra "baggage".

"why dont you quit being a cody and grow some balls"
"i have testicles, look"
"dude you have a hairy vagina"
"no look under the hair"
pushes the hair aside
"wat is that, a pin needle"
some girl "oh how cute and cuddly"
some guy "pull your pants up thats my girlfriend"
cody "sorry but its the only type of girls that i can communicate with"

by asdf jkl; April 19, 2008

109πŸ‘ 258πŸ‘Ž


1.(n):A hot gay guy who loves it up the butt
2.(v):The act of sticking chopsticks in a dogs nose and then putting it in your peehole for laughs.
3.(n):A spunky girl trapped in a guys body

1.Jenna-Did you see that dayummn hot guy at Jakes party last night?
Adrianna-Yeah, that was Cody. He's a fag!
2.Tommy-Want to go pull a Cody tonight?
Eliot-Yeah that always makes me happy.
3.Travis-Omg that guy shops at Victorias secret...
Cody-I know. He's a Cody.

by Jessica100282 January 13, 2008

131πŸ‘ 320πŸ‘Ž

A Cody

A Cody or in other ways Cody means a perverted homosexual thing who makes weird noises, likes gay sex and hits on guys.

"Get away from me you Cody!"
"What the heck you're such A Cody!"

by MushroomMan31 November 28, 2017

10πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


a jack ass with no life

hey look at that cody

by flo10sharkb8it April 25, 2016

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


a bastard who has sex with disgusting fat chicks. and who ruins other peoples live. DOUCHE BAG!!!

did you seriously just cody that girl??

by #$%^&* March 29, 2009

52πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž


When someone fucks up in any way shape or form.

A prime example of using Codying is - "Dude last night Hunter totally pulled a Cody."

by COOHKIEZ August 24, 2012

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A female Codi is the worst person you’ll ever meet. She is beautiful but don’t be fooled, she is manipulative and will use you. Watch out. They will break your heart and leave you in pieces. A female Codi feeds off of other people’s despair. She is an attention seeker and will do anything for attention. Do not befriend a Codi.

β€œWoah! Look at her!”
β€œThat’s Codi - she’s the devil in a pretty package.”

by 14673256788 January 16, 2020

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž