When the sex used to be good, but it’s gotten stale or boring. So you are no longer under hypnosis of the dick.
Emma: I was obsessed with Mark, but sex has been really blah the last few times.
Yelena: so you’ve been de-dickmatized.
To De-bone a magazine. Going through a magazine before you read it to take out all the cardboard cards of offers that are scattered throughout the pages.
This is so completely habit forming that you will find yourself de-boning magazines that you do not even read: ex.-Doctors Office, Dentist, Waiting Rooms.
When I get my Consumer Reports or Field and Stream, I de-bone them first. I hate those little cards falling out or in my way when I read.
The act of reviewing and editing a message to a work colleague to remove all traces of the blistering contempt you feel for them.
"Hold on, give me ten minutes. I just need to de-snark this email."
De-Kegging, The removal of the pants and underwear in one swift movement by a third party.
This practice was brought about in British Prisons, Boarding Schools and Borstals around the 1970's, this involves a person sneaking up behind another person (Typically boys) and grabbing their pants waistline.
This is followed by a swift downwards pull taking the victims pants and underwear to their ankles.
Masked as a way to humiliate the person publicly, this is actually a homosexual based act which allows the first person to see the victims penis & size whilst playing the "i did it for a laugh" card, thus covering the first persons intended sexuality.
Jason "Humiliated" by De-Kegging him in front of everyone.
To trim or pluck your eyebrows, to make them less bushy. Named after the King himself, Peter Gallagher
My eyebrows are getting a little bushy. I really need to De-Gallagher soon.
De-tchotchke: to rid one's abode of extraneous gee-gaws or crap that's lying around collecting dust.
In an effort to present a minimalist interior, Sue learned to de-tchotchke by eliminating annoying mementos.