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Someone who is called DADDY is a partner, usually sexually, to the caller.

Ex: Oh my god! My DADDY pounded me so well last night I can't walk!

by LoopyTitan12 February 10, 2018

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what your mom calls that ugly as man that lives in her bed.


by fuck ur anus March 20, 2018

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a man that you want to be stepped on by

oh yes step on me daddy ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

by RiotKiri March 7, 2018

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The person that ducks ur momso hard that u are born

On daddyduck me harder

by Pokemongobitch July 24, 2018

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Malak tamer badawy y’all

Malak is daddy af

by Ilovemalakaf June 4, 2018

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Hey daddy malik

by Fhdbtjdj October 31, 2017

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The type of name children call their dads.

Son: Hi daddy!
Dad: oh hi son let’s play catch!
Son: ok daddy!
*they grab a baseball and glove*
Dad: Son catch!
Son: *catches it* YAY DADDY I CAUGHT IT!
Dad: Good job son I’ll make dinner now!
Son: ok daddy!
Dad: want my famous sausage?
Son: ok daddy!
Dad: *finishes cooking the sausage* Finished!
Son: Yay I’m starving!
*the mom gets home*
Mom: Hi honey I’m home from work, how was your day?
Daddy: great how was yours?
Mom: good
Son: hi mommy!
Mom: Hi son!
*they eat the sausage and they lived happily ever after, The End!*

by CringeLord666 April 24, 2018

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