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Emily Davis

The most beautiful girl in the entire world. She always finds a way to make my day and is always making me smile. She has my heart forever and nothing will ever change that <3

Oh yea that’s Emily Davis the most amazing girl in the entire world

by Definitelynotherbf August 9, 2022

Megan Davis

A very nice person who likes My Hero Academia and looks up their name in the Urban Dictionary.

Alice: What do you do for fun?

Megan Davis: Look up my name in the Urban Dictionary

by I’m a mess November 19, 2019

Alexander Davis

He is a non-normal monkey with autism and cancer combined.

U have Alexander Davis

by Timmy Thicccy April 29, 2019

The Ben Davis

After eating the entire Taco Bell menu, you unleash the diarrhea onto your partners while proceeding to fuck them.

Perry went home and did The Ben Davis to his wife.

by PerryDvais January 5, 2022

harry davies

Such a cool guy from Felixstowe! Really funny, well organised and attractive. Has an unconditional love for his cat and he is much loved by his peers.

Harry Davies is a really great guy.

by Julienneharbor December 27, 2017

Lauren davis

Lauren Davis love to bake things, that often turn out really bad. She has very big hands and loves to pet bunnies. She says she wants a dog but has a secret fear of them. She gets bitchslapped by hydroflasks and watch out because she will spit on your bed if she gets mad at you!

Wow, that her pumpkin cookies look like dog shit.
Lauren davis must have made them!!!

by fortnitewizard27 October 9, 2018

tyrell davis

Tyrell is basically a guy who’s got biggest pp in the world. And he’s probably the hottest guy you know. Also dating the most beautiful girl in the world

Girl 1: have you heard about Tyrell?
Girl 2: yeah I wish he wasn’t dating Brie.
Girl 3 OMG are u guys talking about Tyrell

tyrell davis - he’s a really cool guy with a big pp

by Bigdicknigga42069 April 3, 2021