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a person who will always make time for you and make sure his baby girl/boy is safe and feeling good ;) **wink wink**
Dylan is also hella hot, like MMMMMMMMMM y e s mfer how are you so DAMN hot like OH MY LAWD, Dylan has a good sense of humor and his daddy. Dylan is husband material and really fucking nice like this man will take care of you, himself, his friends YOUR friends and even you fucking family and even jesus himself. hes also really sensitive and soft around you and feels like he can be himself when hes with you. if anyone else has a boyfriend named dylan.. yeah he can be annoying at times but at the end of the day hes still someone i love alot and i hope that hes mine for a very long time..

if dylan ever see's this. happy birthday my love i hope our relationship lasts a long time, love you bubs<3

by Ally<3'sYou March 22, 2022


Dylan is a sweet caring guy who is full of love. Not knowing Dylan you might think he is a bit stupid and rude but when you get to know him he can be the kindest person you’ll meet. Dylan likes doing new things but often looses interest in them things. Dylan is a very deep in his feels guy and if you hurt Dylan there’s no going back. When a Dylan gets heartbroken he feels it hard. Dylan is also a very funny guy, he makes jokes that can have you laughing for ages. Dylans also tend to be fineee. Dylans are kind of sensitive and have a lot of issues but always put others before them. Dylans are very goofy and if you meet a Dylan I suggest you keep him around for as long as you can. If you get the chance to make Dylan your life long partner you should definitely accept.

Dylan is so goofy, funny and caring. Wow I wish I had more Dylans in my life.

by YouKnowWhoItIs85 January 25, 2020


a frat star.

I am a frat star. I am Dylan.

by t h A D October 22, 2018


a pretty emo dude but can make you burst out laughing easily. he says the most messed up things sometimes and that’s his thing. he is legit the prettiest guy you’ll ever meet and if you’re nice to him you will get along really well. he can be an actual asshole to people who hurt you and will defend you like his life depends on it. he’s the most caring dude ever and sometimes it seems like he doesn’t have a brain but that’s okay. hes always turning in assessments weeks late and doesn’t give a fuck about it. you have to be careful if you’re gonna say something mean because he is really quite sensitive and will cry about it for days.

i recommend if you know a dylan get close to him asap as he is probably the most interesting person in the world.

love dylan 🫶

by dylanishot May 15, 2022


literally the best person in the world. sweet, caring, funny, a little stupid, but in general such a great person!!! has lots of golden retriever boy vibes and is the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

“omg! made a new best friend yesterday”
“ugh, don’t say you’re about to talk about dylan again”

by wallowsfan April 11, 2022


Dylan is an annoying pain in the ass. He’s always in everyone’s business even when he has nothing to do with anything. He’s funny but really irratating. (sorry too lazy to write more)

person 1: Dylan is annoying
person 2: yes ik

by themosthonestopinion March 13, 2020


Dylan’s can be very sensitive or pretty rad and funny, A dylan will either make u feel amazing to be around with or want to get away from them because they can never handle a joke, Dylans tend to be nerds.

Nataly: Hey Ally have you seen Dylan.
Ally: He’s probably crying in the bathroom again.
Nathanial: Ill go get him (eye roll)

by swagger.wagger June 21, 2019