Elli is the sweetest most amazing person. She laughs alot and is beautiful the ppl who have met her are extremely lucky! And you should never push her away. A lil bitchy at times but who's not!
You always need an Elli in your life!
9👍 4👎
Ellie and Will are meant to be together forever, with sweethearts and good-looking looks, these two are destined to be together.
Ally: Ellie and will are so cute together!
He is a cute, crazy smart introvert, who is very self conscious and depressing. He is very smart and kind, and he is so fun to be around alone. Ellis listens and responds the kind truth that he speaks.
Usually has no girlfriends, but when he does he loves her above everything in the world.
There goes Ellis, he's so cute, but why does he look lonely all the time? Such a loser.
Limited edition kebab, but she will belt you. And extremely tall. 3 meters atleast
Wow she is tall
Runn she owns a belt
She is annoying ,like just spell elli with an E a the end. She has a weird personality and she’s not that pretty and she’s rude and drives people away . But she’s funny don’t forget that. NEVER LET YOUR MOM NAME YOU AFTER SOMEONE RANDOM PERSON BECAUSE THEN YOUR NAME WILL BE SPELT ELLI!
Harry styles: will you marry me
Elli : okay!
The guy who hates being K'd and reli should be called steve. He also calls people small
person 1 "Oh hey ellis"
Ellis "Its steve."
person 1 "k"
Ellis *crys*
35👍 29👎