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Graveyard for dead friendships.

Try hiding your birthday on facebook, see if someone remembered.

by Rest In Pain December 31, 2019


The meme graveyard, as well as old people's twitter.

Middle-Aged Man: "So, I was stalking this little girl's facebook the other day..."
Teen: "Yeah, sorry to disappoint you, but that was just another middle-aged man disguised as a little girl."

by I Write Definitions! February 8, 2018


The hot shit for boomers and slow gen xers(and very slow millenials and insanely ironic zoomers). It's also Zuckerberg's spyware machine.

Hon, nobody under 30 uses Facebook

by The Pasta Man October 1, 2020


to steal and/or disclose the private information of, especially in a duplicitous fashion. (transitive verb)

I am going to facebook Gina's STD test results from her purse.

Why did you facebook my salary to Jim? He will never date someone that earns more than he does!

by shm02 March 28, 2018


A website/app created by old people, for old people.

My grandmother is sooooooo old she probably has a Facebook account.

by Callie Is Best Waifu January 10, 2019


The successor to MySpace, a 2000's decade format, that from my perspective, is superior, for you can genuinely communicate with friends and family.

As MySpace is to the 2000s, Facebook is to the 2010s.

by kyw3directconn October 22, 2011


A website that allows you to stalk people you haven’t seen in years

I’ve been searching my old classmates names on Facebook.”

by Boneless watermelon September 4, 2019