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Ms. Field

The coolest teacher at Duxbury High School. She is the epitome of cool. Ms. Field is originally from Sante Fe, New Mexico. She is often referred to as Field. Every student wants to grow up to be just like her. She holds 4 degrees and should be a college professor. She adds a real-life experience to high school and teaches you about the real world. Her favorite color is grey but she also likes purple. She tends to wear a lot of band tees and ripped jeans, that she has patched herself. Her typical hairstyle is a bun with two chopsticks in it. She always wears a scarf with some sort of awesome design. She carries a messenger bag with all of her supplies and a Nikon camera. Photography is her preferred medium but she also likes to paint with acrylics. She speaks "barely" two languages (Spanish and English). She loves 'good' music and movies. Her favorite TV show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Ms. Field has two birds, Kahlo and Niko. If you are ever blessed to have her as your teacher just remember to follow her rules and everything will be okay.

OMG, You have Ms.Field? She's so cool!

Did you see Ms.Field's awesome band shirt today?

What is your favorite quote from Ms. Field

by someonerandom4 May 1, 2018

field telephone

A field telephone is a communications device used by cadets and the military to communicate with nearby military units -- can be used to administer electric shocks to a guy's tits, cock, balls or asshole to make him talk or just for fun.

We were out doing field exercises, and some of the other cadets grabbed me, held me down, and attached the electrodes of a field telephone to my tits, genitals, and asshole and turned the crank, sending me a "message"!

by USAF Cadet August 22, 2021

180๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž

field telephone

A field telephone is a communications device used in the military to talk to troops in out-lying areas. It is used in some electro-sex sessions to send a "message" to the recipient. Electrodes are attached to a guy's cock & balls, his tits, and maybe his asshole. When the phone's crank is turned, it sends a jolt of electricity to wherever the electrodes are attached on a guy's body. The faster the crank is turned - the bigger and longer the jolt.

When we were out camping, some of the guys wanted to practice using a field telephone and they it used on me -- on my nuts, cock, tits, and butt-hole - they really cranked me -- it hurt, but I was having dry-gasms before they finished!

by USAF Cadet July 31, 2021

180๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž

field goal

a term describing the action of receiving oral sex or "getting head" followed by the male counterpart inserting his semen "shooting his load" into the female counterpart's mouth, and then take's a step back and KICKS HER IN THE THROAT! before the female counterpart can swallow "the load" making her choke and regurgitate the semen from her mouth

"Yo dawg, last night this trick ass ho was goin down on my shit and i field goaled that bitch" Tyrone

"OH SNAPS DAWG, you's a straight up pimp homie" Jermaine

by JUice March 20, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

field trip

giving someone head in a field with 5 or less people watching and practising other sexual postions

fancy a field trip?
yeahh boii

by Zozzums January 22, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

wrigley field

The home of the shittiest team in baseball, they have not won a World series trophy since 1908, the cubs fans themselves are tired of the teams performance to the extent that they are losing money on fans not attending, the stadium while interesting for the fact that it is old is showing its failures, it hardly has enough room for fans, has no plumbing except for the urinal droves, also its smack dab in the center of Boystown, so if your homophobic then dont go to the stadium. they need to tear the stadium down.

Cubs fan: hey dude you wanna go to wrigley field?
Soxs fan: that dumb! FUCK NO! lets go to Comiskey a stadium that wont kill you while your on the inside of it.

by hockeyfan147 June 20, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

magnetic fields

A magnetic field is the magnetic effect of electric currents and magnetic materials

Magnetic fields can be produced by moving electric charges and the intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles associated with a fundamental quantum property, their spin.

by coolwaves159 March 17, 2017

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