Free shitting is the art of litterally taking a shit wherever one damn well pleases. for example, you walk outside see a place you feel like taking a shit, so you remove your pants and force the shit out wherever you fucking want and walk on like a badass.
Expert or competetive free shitters can drop rather than remove their pants and forcefully even explosively free shit in a methodlogy that doesnt require any wiping of shit from anal areas.
Usually expert or competitive free shitters can cause a fecal explosion within seconds and walk on without as little as a batted eyelid. If one was to closely examine the Anus whilst undertaking free shitting, it would look more like a mouth, projectile vomiting fecal matter out in a powerful fountain.
But an amateur must not force free shitting too quickly or risk a prolapse or terrifying mess, covering themselves and or loved ones in shit.
The Free Shitting man walked past our house, stopped on the footpath and within a matter of seconds there was a giant turd on the ground.
Upon looking up he was already walking away. That man was a free shit expert.
Commanding the letting loose of a previously constrained person or animal.
To let something or someone loose to roam free.
The dog has been stuck in van for 3 hours, free-loamer!
To do as one pleases, to make decisions without confirmation from others
While I was on vacation, my friends made free with my house.
The marketing guys always make free with the advertising budget.
Trick question, no such thing.
"Can I get Friday off"? Can i get a free blowjob"?
Loose women that do not wear underwear.
They're not free ballin' it, they're free pussin' it.
Yo, that ratchet ass bitch Tiffany, I heard she Free Pussin' It right now.
a movement that spanned from 2010-2012, all about getting the (then underaged) Odd Future member Earl Sweatshirt "free" from the boarding school in Samoa his mother shipped him out to in 2010 after the suggest of his self-titled mixtape and Odd Future's Radical tape, it was later learned Earl was shipped out there because of some problems he was having at that point not related to music. but there were shirts, signs, chants, all of that stuff for this movement
the fans used to chant Free Earl at Odd Future shows