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American View of World War II

Americans are taught from early on in school that World War II was all about Pearl Harbor and that "we" went in to Europe and kicked ass, and then had no choice and blew up two entire cities in Japan. And then everything was perfect for everyone!

The REALITY - The United States sat back while every one of its most important allies suffered brutality. Germany was taking over Europe, bit by bit. The had ALL of Europe basically in their grip (along with Italy and their gang) except for the few neutral countries (who they marched right through anyway) and Great Britain, which eventually had no choice but to just sit and defend itself because it was vulnerable from every direction. While city after city in England and Scotland was demolished, while thousands upon thousands of British citizens were blown to bits, burnt to death, or smothered, Americans said, 'nah, we'll wait thanks. But here's some bombs - you can pay us later." Finally when Roosevelt realized there was no choice but to enter the war (because the world was basically in shock that one of the only surviving superpowers, besides England, was sitting on their hands while the world was being taken over by three men) - he made sure that a big "event" would happen to throw American sentiment across the sea. So we had Pearl Harbor, and then all those fresh, well fed American soldiers took off to join the parched, injured, half-starved Allies.

Now cut to 2001. America gets attacked by an extremist group - not a government - and 3000 people tragically die. Bush decided to blame it on Iraq, as an impetus to bring them down for trying to assinate his fire (and because Iraq sits on a huge buttload of oil.) So when Bush cries out to the rest of the world to try to start World War III, a lot of countries, well, sat on THEIR hands. They remembered the millions of dead family members. They could still see the effects of the horrible bombing blitzes of World War II. They had seen TENS of thousands of civilians die in one night, or over a week, and just have to cope. America has been attacked on its own soil TWICE, and only once by a country. Someday we as Americans will learn the mistake our pseudo-government has made, because we are now the most hated nation on earth, and we have no excuse for it.

The American View of World War II is getting lost in time, because it didn't have much impact on any future generations, as it did in Europe and Asia, and every other country who fought for the length of the war.

The example isn't there - it's the lack of example. The United States does nothing to set an example anywhere, nor does it encourage its own citizens to think on a global level. It's all about US, USA, USA, USA. Scary stuff.

by Douglish August 24, 2007

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SOCOM II: U.S. Navy Seals

Greater than you. See sex

"Socom 2 is greater than you" =D

by Ryan April 11, 2004

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

American View of World War II

Over-simplification of a complex subject.

An analogy would be for a star player who had a good game to claim all the credit after the game and put his team-mates down. Even if the star player did have a great game, all the other members of the team played well and did their part in winning the game -- and helping the star player deliver a great individual performance.

This sort of behaviour (i) is pointless because it relies on speculation about what might have happened had things been different and (ii) displays a real lack of grace, particularly when it is the star player that is doing it.

Many nations (large and small) came together to fight against tyranny during World War II, and their commitment to that cause and their sacrifice was enormous. This is what should be remembered -- not whether one nation's contribution or sacrifice was greater than the others.

"Man, listen to Lance Armstrong claim all the credit for winning 6 Tours de France in a row! You think he'd forgotten there were 8 other guys out there riding for him. What a poor sport! It's just like those guys who bang on and on about the American View of World Ward II"

Note -- this is a stupid example to illustrate the point. Lance is a true sportsman and would never behave this way.

by Lance_fan June 24, 2005

92๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

American View of World War II

The US view on WW2 is very skewed, biased and innacurate... Lets just say that the war, in Europe at least, would have still been won by the allies (Britain and USSR) even if the US stayed out of it. USA never had any big battles and didn't do a lot of fighting, compared to some of the biggest battles in history which took place on the Eastern Front.

The average miseducated Americans view on WW2 is very skewed.

by Stalin March 18, 2005

139๐Ÿ‘ 122๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dark Souls II Syndrome

Dark Souls II is considered by many fans to be worse than either Dark Souls I or Dark Souls III. The lore/themes of DS2 imply that its setting/world is a degenerate, broken down reinterpretation of the setting/world of DS1. The story and characters of DS2 try to warn the player against repeating the mistakes of the past, but the game is both thematically and literally a bad version of Dark Souls I.

Dark Souls II Syndrome is this phenomenon: a work is bad, but the creator(s) try to justify its badness by explaining through story/characters/themes why it is bad; in explaining why it's intentionally bad, someone might think the work is actually good because it was meant to be bad, but the work is actually just bad and not clever.

I couldn't stand Mike from RedLetterMedia doing his review of The Matrix 4. He thought it was bad on purpose and that made it clever, but that movie just has Dark Souls II Syndrome.

by TurdusonFerguson March 22, 2022

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American View of World War II

Actually, northern Europe was mostly liberated by local resistance

I think it'll be a good time for me to add that this business of 'speaking german' is pretty dumb when said about Britain. Although the empire didn't contribute to world war II, Hitler admired it, and looked up to the british as friends rather than enemies. Even churchill himself was a flipside of the same coin as Hitler in what they wanted(They both were great orators, looked to build upon thier empire, inspirational leaders etc.).

Unlike his attitude towards France or Russia, Hitler would never had forced Britain under a vichy government had he won. He would, however, after conquering Europe have attacked north america .His writings present a dim view of the united states- so he would make sure the culture would not be preserved. In short, britain would have german as a second language, the united states would have it as a first language.

Fortunately, this never happened. But If britain did fall then hitler would have the time he needed, as well as resources to pause the war, and resume it after he had created the nuclear warheads that were planned.

Although never launched, Von Braun had already completed a modification of the V2 (The v2 was actually the finishing part) that could well exceed the 220 mile restrictions of the popular V2, and instead could reach new York. Such an expense could not be justified by the normal one ton warhead of explosives found on normal V2s. Although lagging behind the united states by about 18 months, Hitlers nuke programme could have been better realised with an entire continent under control. In the same mannor as he suddenly attacked Czech and poland to recover the mining fields and the polish corridor (Gdansk, formerly Danzig) he could have blitzed the united states into oblivion with nuclear missiles that could not be shot down like an enola gay.

by Gumba Gumba June 3, 2004

75๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nero Wolfgang Amadeus Simmons II

A noted Haddonfield composer who has written many works, such as Ode to Dallas. He is a big fan of the Cowboys, and as such his works have not quite achieved fame yet. His pastimes include watching football, playing the trumpet, and competing on the Academic Challenge team with Cashcow and Ezkett. He is a man of few words, but his saying hold immense wisdom.

Wolfgang: Hey mips-hater do you have the english homework?
Cashcow: How are you Wolfgang!
Wolfgang: That's me.

by Eszett February 1, 2005

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