I was in a penceve mood, so I just walked out, like when Pence walked out of that football game.
All the moods in the world in one single mood
“Oh my gosh I just had to take that mirror selfie ... I was in a such world mood!!”
“What is that grotesque face you’re making?”
“Oh, its just all the moods I feel atm. They are all kinda part of me, u feel me?!”
someone who is in such a angry red aggressive mood
for example Clarkes joined the call and has a angry tone on his voice
i then say why are you in a red hot mood
Mood swings for alcohol consumption comparable to pregnancy food swingsPFS
I'm not sure if I want saké or spiced rum. Alcoholic mood swings before a party are torture!
An episode of a show on television that changes quickly, from tragedy to humor and back again.
Austin:Dude, did you see that new episode of HIMYM last night?
Cole: Yeah, it was kind of a mood swing episode.
John: It was really funny until Robin found out the news!
Austin: Then it got funny again at the end, so thats good.
*awkward silence*
Cole: yeah.
A mood ‘the size of my thighs’
A - uuughhh I’m so hungry I might pass out lol
B - that’s a mood tsomt