short for “laughing out loud” but sometimes people use it when they don’t even laugh lol. Also your mom could think that it means “lots of love”.
First example:
Me: Yea.
Second Example:
Mom: Your grandmother died today..LOL.
Me: wth
LOL Stands for Laughing Out Loud, which can be used to replace a laugh.
"lol" he said, after I made a joke.
this phrase is used in text to let someone know that you are NOT being hostile
You: what if i killed you
You: lol
(your mind) thank god that wouldve sounded horrible if i didnt type lol
Short for laughing out loud though some old people think that it means lots of love that is not what it means
incorect way:
Old person: someone died lol
Me: ur mean
Old person: how is sending someone lots of love mean
Me: lol means laughing out loud !?!?
Old person: ooooooohhhhhhh that's y thay ran away
Me: u should probably go apologize to them!
Correct way:
Me:dude gotta tell you something really important
My friend: what
Me: nah I'll tell u later 😄
My friend: no no tell me now tell me now!!!
Me: ok ok .................🤡 R gunna eat me in 30 minutes!!!............ jk dude 😂😂😂
My friend: ha ha ha ha lol dude😂😂😂
The abbreviation of 'laugh out loud'
Lol! that's so funny!