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Isabella Sommerfeld


Isabella Sommerfeld is a dickface

by ej9e[08efhe8fghpes October 5, 2020

4👍 2👎

Isabella Fernandez

Isabella Fernandez is a pro golfer who is basically the re incarnation of tiger woods, Isabella is very shy but in a good way, she has very good style and her personality is amazing. She might be kinda confusing sometimes but at the end of the day she still is an amazing girl and I wouldn’t change anything of her :) and also she’s very pretty too 😁

Omg did you see Isabella Fernandez hole In One

Yes I did OMGGGGGG she’s the next tiger woods

by Most_likeyto_owntenturtles February 6, 2022

Jarid and Isabella

To be madly in love alongside fearing eternal separation from one another.

Girl1: Jarid and Isabella so so cute together.
Girl2: Yeah I know, I wish I had that.

by enamour February 2, 2022

Isabella gooler

Vary nice sweet girl. Talented at art and violin and vary pretty 🤩

Isabella gooler is so nice 😊

by Pusheabahgh November 10, 2022

Isabella chapman

Isabella chapman is a kind but WEIRD girl. She is very smart and is obsessed with ¡patd! She does weird things like eat cake with gravy and she has braces 😬

Who is that weird but nice girl over there

That’s Isabella chapman

by Payrisha blob April 30, 2019

isabella dust

1/ Barbiturates - the contents of a Seconal or Tuinal, Amytal, or Nembutal capsule; sodium secobarbital; sodium amobarbital; sodium pentobarbital

2/ Barbiturate salts

3/ Suicide powder

References: (1) and (2) “She was enamoured with the prospect of a good night’s sleep. Red bullets filled with Isabella dust. The tried and true thing that turns a dyed-in-the-wool insomniac into a lead filled rag doll by obliterating all senses, including that of time. The only solution she relied on was her closely guarded bottle of Seconals”. It’s a sad reality but she is turning into an addict. Slowly. Time will tell whether she snaps out of this nonsense or not, but she can’t rely on pills forever.”

(3) “The Koestlers topped themselves with Isabella dust, a less common but relevant reference to the barbiturate Tuinal that was found at the scene of the tragic double-suicide.”

by Rubrat August 24, 2023

Isabella L

Isabella L is a youtuber, she does a variety of different videos that her fans find hilarious! She tends to do ROBLOX videos a lot of the time, she continues to do what she loves, and hopes to gradually grow the family! When you subscribe to her, u are officially apart of the candy fam, as u got to love candy!

person1: Hey, have u heard about that new youtuber "Isabella L?"
person2: Yea, make sure to subscribe I'm already in the candy fam.

by jaeden_is_candy March 13, 2019